Manifestation, Relationships, PTSD, Cancel Culture and Using Funk to Empower Yourself

Get ready to enjoy a buffet of wisdom from Thom. In this episode, Thom answers questions from listeners. He begins by discussing how our culture’s obsession with manifestation has resulted in a gross misunderstanding of the very idea, and then shares the true mechanics of manifestation.  Thom also gives us some guidance on how to know when a relationship has come to a natural end, and how to put an end to it.

Om Podcasten

Join philosopher, educator and celebrated speaker on the cognitive sciences, Thom Knoles for inspiring insights and wisdom to support your personal evolution. Thom is an renowned expert on the relationship between quantum physics and human consciousness, and on the 5,000 year-old body of wisdom known as The Veda. For over 50 years, he has personally taught Vedic Meditation to tens of thousands of students and consulted to governments and private corporations throughout the world.