SEASON 2 - EP. 47 The BIGGEST Errors "High Performers" Make That Lead To Burn Out & Sub-Par Results. (PART 1)

In this episode I dive into "high performer burn out". I also discuss how you do NOT need to be an expert or a professional for this to be relevant to you and your goals & dreams, but how 98% of all professionals, CEOs and experts are leaving 50% of the result on the table.

I talk about the "signs" & litmus tests to know if you are inefficient in your routines & habits.
Regarding stimulant intake & sedative intake.
Why people get a result then relapse.

I give some key analogies around friction & drag and the mental fatigue & burn out you feel is THAT at play.

I introduce you to the KEY pillars required to truly optimize this:

- Smart Plant Based Nutrition (using my Rainbow method, cross hybridizing that with "Green light" foods) I discuss in previous episodes.
- Training efficiency & recovery.
- Mindset & habit stacking
- Environment & Circadian timing.

In PART 2 of this mini series I will dive into the above pillars in more depth, explaining how they all interconnect and relate.
I will also talk about the same systems & processes you use that allowed you to become a High Performer in one area - can be taken, reconfigured to fit other areas of your life to help "sharpen your axe" to improve cognitive sharpness (as well as improve how you look & feel).

Part 1 was the primary introduction, shining light on the problems and how to determine if you struggle with this (Hint: 98% of people do).
It begins here.
Listen close and go take real action after this episode.  

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Email me for further coaching options, packages & questions.

Om Podcasten

Mindset, Plant based Nutrition, Peak Performance and everything between!