Episode 12; Bloody Good Times from Across the Pond
Man, we can't believe we made it to Episode 12! or episode 24 if your counting for real's...We have a great surprise this Episode from a dear friend of ours from across the pond, Mr. Bunboy himself. We also bantor about Downtown Vegas and a room review, as well as wrap up our interview with the infamous Keith Lyle! *Follow Keith Lyle @funnykeithlyle or find him at Keithlyle.com. Follow Chris @Vegasbunboy. Please feel free to call us on our number (559)461-7488 and leave a juicy story. Follow Vegas Confessions on Twitter @vegasconfesspod or write us at Vegasconfessionspod@gmail.com *follow my wife Julian and his you tube videos at Jay romero 559, and my side project Strange Uncles podcast or find the website Mystrangeuncles.com