Episode 17; "A bunch of 12 yr olds trying to do a podcast."

*Hello everyone to Episode 17 of Vegas Confessions!  On this one, we cover some quick history of the "Mega-Resort" era, Pop Up Pizza from the Plaza, and we discuss just how far simple hospitality will get you.  Thanks everyone for listening! *Find us on our fairly new website, Vegasconfessionspod.com *Find us also on twitter @Vegasconfesspod, or call our Line and leave a tale from any adventure you find yourselves in.  (559)461-7488.  Email us at Vegasconfessions@gmail.com  if your to shy to leave a message, we will be more than happy to read your letter on the air!

Om Podcasten

This podcasts is all about the Casino & Gambling lifestyle with some great stories. These 3 fun host like to gamble frequently from Las Vegas to Atlantic City,We interview Casino CEO"s & Casino Host,You-tubers,Bloggers & Podcasters. Help organize some BEST group trips EVER. We cover Las Vegas topics,Gambling superstitions,Casino games,Food reviews,Trip reports & much much more also follow us on twitter & facebook @VegasConfessPod,