Episode 50; Online gambling vs the Casino, Knowing when to quit & Playing the Lotto

On this episode we cover gambling online vs the Casino & what does the crew prefer? Also discussed was knowing when to quit when ahead & not giving it all back. As well as playing the lottery and has any one ever hit anything big? Plus you might get a blown away by something Eric mentions about a gentleman and advantage play with these games? Did you know that was a thing? Plus not to forget to mention Eric's 8 day trip to the promise land CHEERS FOLKS & ENJOY. Reach out to us on Twitter @VegasConfessPod or our Facebook page you can find us Vegas Confessions Podcast Got a show topic/idea Shoot us a Email VegasconfessPod@gmail.com we look forward to hearing from you  Host: Julian Romero, Kelli kuma, Eric Rosenthal Produced & Edited by Julian Romero

Om Podcasten

This podcasts is all about the Casino & Gambling lifestyle with some great stories. These 3 fun host like to gamble frequently from Las Vegas to Atlantic City,We interview Casino CEO"s & Casino Host,You-tubers,Bloggers & Podcasters. Help organize some BEST group trips EVER. We cover Las Vegas topics,Gambling superstitions,Casino games,Food reviews,Trip reports & much much more also follow us on twitter & facebook @VegasConfessPod,