Stealing Baby Jesus

While leafing through 75 years of local newspapers, Zaron Burnett uncovers an American Christmas tradition as ingrained in our culture as the red-and-white Santa: sneaking up to a nativity scene and stealing the Baby Jesus. And, in many cases, immediately regretting it. Note: Please do not steal Baby Jesus. * VERY SPECIAL CREDITSHosted by Dana Schwartz, Zaron Burnett, and Jason EnglishWritten by Zaron BurnettProduced by Josh FisherEditing and Sound Design by Chris ChildsMixing and Mastering by Chris ChildsVoice Actors: Jonathan Washington, Chris Childs, Elizabeth Dutton, Katie Mattie, Josh Fisher, and Zaron BurnettOriginal Music by Elise McCoyShow Logo by Lucy QuintanillaExecutive Producer is Jason English Thanks for listening! We'll have one more episode in 2024 next Monday. If you're enjoying Very Special Episodes, please leave us a rating and review on your favorite podcast platform. You can reach the show at See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

On the Very Special Episodes podcast, we tell one incredible story each week. Stranger-than-fiction tales about normal people in extraordinary situations. Stories that make you say, “this should be a movie.” Follow Dana Schwartz, Zaron Burnett, and Jason English down a different rabbit hole every Wednesday.