Veterans for Peace: Free Julian Assange and drop the charges

Today we realize just how important it is that the Biden Administration drop the charges against Julian Assange and not set a precedent that could undermine journalism worldwide.  Today we share with you portions of the Belmarsh Tribunal which was convened by Democracy Now, The Intercept, and others as great minds from journalism, international politics, international law, and the media share the call to release Julian Assange, drop the charges, and end the efforts to extradite him.  We reflect on his accomplishments and his impact on journalism and how the US could set a horrific precedent for all journalists if they continue, to pursue extradition.

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Veterans for Peace is an international organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices for the causes of peace, humanity, equality, and justice. Our network is comprised of over 140 chapters worldwide. Our radio show is on stations across the country.