Veterans for Peace with Ron Bettag of the Schiller Institute on a new paradigm for peace

Ron Bettag of the Schiller Institute joins us to discuss the International Coalition of Peace and the new paradigm for peace. The Schiller Institute for decades has been advocating for people through global development through mutual cooperation. They have envisioned a worldwide land bridge, (a worldwide Belt and Road) in which the people benefit by the exchange of ideas, technologies, and development. However, they know that at this point we are on the brink of WW III and so they are bringing together worldwide voices to generate a global coalition of peacemakers to pressure worldwide leaders to stop their juvenile competitions and replace it with global cooperation. Ron also discusses the architect Lyndon Larouche and rehabilitates and sets the record straight about this man so controversial in the US media.

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Veterans for Peace is an international organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices for the causes of peace, humanity, equality, and justice. Our network is comprised of over 140 chapters worldwide. Our radio show is on stations across the country.