Do You Really Want To Be A Veterinarian? Staggering Student Debt, Supply & Demand, Future Woes, & Why We'd Do It Again

Veterinarians Ernie Ward & Cyndie Courtney with veterinary technician Beckie Mossor confront whether pursuing a degree in veterinary healthcare is a good or bad idea; how staggering student debt impacts our profession both financially & emotionally; potential solutions for excessive debt, escalating college tuition, and imbalanced veterinary supply & demand. The hosts share why they joined the veterinary profession and offer some of their best personal advice.

Om Podcasten

Weekly podcast dedicated to "tackling the toughest topics in veterinary medicine." Hosted by veterinarian Dr. Ernie Ward and registered veterinary technician Beckie Mossor. Candid, irreverent, provocative, educational, and occasionally funny conversations about issues that impact the veterinary profession. Non-stop since 2016.