Clinical Updates on Pancreatitis in Dogs

The clinical signs of canine pancreatitis, which can range from mild to severe, can escalate rapidly. In severe cases, extra-pancreatic inflammation can lead to multi-organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and death. Until now, the standard of care for dogs with this disease has been centered on supportive care only, including fluid therapy, pain and anti-nausea medications, and management of underlying causes, concurrent diseases and systemic complications. In this episode of the VetFolio Voice podcast, Dr. Cassi chats with Harry Cridge, an internal medicine specialist, about everything you need to know regarding pancreatitis in your patients, including the pathophysiology, diagnosis and causes of the disease. Earn CE and learn about effective treatment plans for dogs with acute pancreatitis, including a novel drug that targets neutrophilic inflammation, Panoquell®-CA1 (fuzapladib sodium for injection). Want to earn CE for this episode? Head over to VetFolio to take the quiz and earn your CE credit.

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