Lost Interviews, Vol. 1 | Episode #462

In this episode, we opened up our archives for some interviews that found their way into our vaults. Our biggest apologies to everyone and every event these interviews came from for taking this long to get to you. We sat down with comic creators, filmmakers, other organizations & more.04:15: Christopher Michael (C.R.I.T., https://www.hbhcomics.com/books,), Dennis Valencia (The Celestial Knight, https://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/416172/The-Celestial-Knight),21:50: Michelle Lodge (Home Free, https://www.instagram.com/michellelodgecomics,)33:20: Catherine Baab-Muguria (https://www.catherinebaabmuguira.com/poe-for-your-problems,)41:15: Will Smith (https://www.facebook.com/WilSmithIllustration/)53:00: Hector Miray (https://www.faithandfandom.org/)01:02:55: Nick Norman-Butler (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13431018/)01:26:30: Randy Zuniga (https://www.instagram.com/rand0816/?hl=en)If you or someone you know is reading this right now and struggling with suicide, depression, addiction, or self-harm - please reach out. Comment, message, or tweet at us. Go to victimsandvillains.net/hope for more resources. Call the suicide lifeline at 988. Text "HELP" to 741-741. There is hope & you DO have so much value and worth!This episode of Victims and Villains is written by Josh “Captain Nostalgia” Burkey. It is produced by Burkey. Music by Mallory Jameson (https://bit.ly/expandmal) & Purple Planet (https://bit.ly/ppcoms). Help us get mental health resources into schools and get exclusive content at the same time. Click here (http://bit.ly/vavpatreon) to support us today!

Om Podcasten

The home of Victims and Villains Podcast, That's High Price: A Nicolas Cage Podcast and Abyss Gazing: A Horror Podcast. Each crafted with the intent to break the stigma of mental health and suicide awareness to bring real conversations through a multiverse of fandoms.