Voices of Resilience: Black Lives Matter with Social Justice Advocate Jamira Burley

VV woman leader, social justice advocate and youth activist Jamira Burley discussed the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and so many others. Jamira shared her perspective from the frontlines of the protests and talked through what protesters are calling for, anti-racism and the systematic work that needs to be done to deliver justice and create a more equal future.

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The Vital Voices Podcast highlights women leaders and change-makers from around the world. Hosted by Vital Voices President and CEO, Alyse Nelson, the Vital Voices Podcast provides a space for extraordinary women to be heard. To learn more about Vital Voices, visit www.VitalVoices.org. Follow us on Twitter (@VitalVoices), Instagram (@VitalVoices) and like us on Facebook (facebook.com/VitalVoices)! You can also donate to Vital Voices by texting VITAL to 41444.