Voices of Resilience: Pushing Back Against AAPI Racism in the COVID Pandemic

Leadership Incubator Fellow and founder of Novelly, Anna Casalme joined Alyse Nelson to discuss racism emerging during the COVIDー19 crisis against the Asian-American Pacific Islander community and her #PeopleAreNotTheVirus campaign to push back against that vitriol. Tune in for a smart conversation about ways to bring out the best - rather than the worst - in people during this uncertain time.

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The Vital Voices Podcast highlights women leaders and change-makers from around the world. Hosted by Vital Voices President and CEO, Alyse Nelson, the Vital Voices Podcast provides a space for extraordinary women to be heard. To learn more about Vital Voices, visit www.VitalVoices.org. Follow us on Twitter (@VitalVoices), Instagram (@VitalVoices) and like us on Facebook (facebook.com/VitalVoices)! You can also donate to Vital Voices by texting VITAL to 41444.