Burdens & Blessings | Psalms for the Summer Vol 4 | Pastor Ben Lee

Are you currently stuck in the space between your burdens and your blessings? Is the tension building between being grateful for all that God is doing in your life, but also in the midst of a tough season? In Psalms 23, David writes “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want”. It’s a scripture that you may have come across time and time again in your life. Preaching from Psalms 23, Pastor Ben Lee leaves us with a valuable question. Who is your Lord?

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VIVE Church is a globally connected church with a local expression in 10 cities led by Pastors Adam and Keira Smallcombe. We are a spirit-empowered, passion-filled church with the mission to awaken people to the reality of Jesus. We believe that the messages on this podcast will bless you and challenge you to live a life of faith. For more information, please visit us at www.vivechurch.org