Call Me Crazy But I'm Built Different | Pastor Adam Smallcombe | VIVE Church

You are built different. If you're a believer, then you already possess a unique and incredible superpower that sets you apart from the rest. In fact, no matter what kind of predicament you're facing in life, prayer can become your secret weapon to unlock the impossible. Through prayer, you can experience peace as your guard, allowing you to rejoice always, even in the midst of trials and challenges. Sit back, relax, and get ready to listen to Pastor Adam’s Message, “Call Me Crazy, But I’m Bu...

Om Podcasten

VIVE Church is a globally connected church with a local expression in 10 cities led by Pastors Adam and Keira Smallcombe. We are a spirit-empowered, passion-filled church with the mission to awaken people to the reality of Jesus. We believe that the messages on this podcast will bless you and challenge you to live a life of faith. For more information, please visit us at