The Power of Participation | Pastor Keira Smallcombe | VIVE Church

Are you only a spectator to the miracles of God? Do you choose to have passive participation when it comes to God’s will? There is an expansion on the horizon, and God is calling His people to enlargement. Enlargement is in the DNA of the church. What is not natural for the church is to shrink back. The stretch of the church is both personal and collective. It is the stretch that strengthens you and as you stretch out you take up ground from the enemy. Listen as Pastor Keira Small...

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VIVE Church is a globally connected church with a local expression in 10 cities led by Pastors Adam and Keira Smallcombe. We are a spirit-empowered, passion-filled church with the mission to awaken people to the reality of Jesus. We believe that the messages on this podcast will bless you and challenge you to live a life of faith. For more information, please visit us at