Episode 65: A Sprint to Tomorrow, Powered by Teamwork

If it seems like microchips have been a consistent conversation topic lately, it’s for good reason. Supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors created a new level of awareness about microelectronics. However, the research and development that advance these increasingly powerful technologies goes back decades, with DARPA teaming up to play a key part.This episode of Voices from DARPA examines the journey and impact of one collaborative effort that DARPA’s been part of since the late 1990s. The latest program iteration, the Joint University Microelectronics Program 2.0 (JUMP 2.0), recently kicked off (https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2023-01-04) with an expanded mission.This episode features Dr. Dev Palmer (https://www.darpa.mil/staff/dr-dev-palmer.html), a longtime program participant now overseeing DARPA’s JUMP 2.0 efforts as the deputy director of DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office; Dr. Adam Knapp (https://www.src.org/about/management-team/knapp-adam/), the JUMP 2.0 program manager at longtime partner institution (https://www.src.org/program/jump2/) the Semiconductor Research Corporation; and Dr. Tajana Simunic Rosing (https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~trosing/), a program performer who has been involved in every iteration of what is now JUMP 2.0.All three of these experts bring rich, diverse perspectives to an effort that is critical to the future – and that serves as a bedrock for broader initiatives to strengthen U.S. leadership in microelectronics. as they share in this episode, all three are focused on success via ambitious collaboration.Find out even more about JUMP 2.0 and DARPA’s broader Electronics Resurgence Initiative (https://eri-summit.darpa.mil/what-is-eri) (ERI) – and be part of the dialogue – this summer at the ERI Summit (https://eri-summit.darpa.mil/).

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DARPA’s podcast series, "Voices from DARPA," offers a revealing and informative window on the minds of the Agency's program managers. In each episode, a program manager from one of DARPA’s six technical offices—Biological Technologies, Defense Sciences, Information Innovation, Microsystems Technology, Strategic Technology, and Tactical Technology—will discuss in informal and personal terms why they are at DARPA and what they are up to. The goal of "Voices from DARPA" is to share with listeners some of the institutional know-how, vision, process, and history that together make the “secret sauce” DARPA has been adding to the Nation’s innovation ecosystem for nearly 60 years. On another level, we at DARPA just wanted to share the pleasure we all have every day—in the elevator, in the halls, in our meeting rooms—as we learn from each other and swap ideas and strive to change what’s possible.