Read 6. "I'm Just Doing My Job". Excerpt from "The most dangerous superstition" by Larken Rose

In this episode, we read an excerpt from the great book by Larken Rose; "The Most Dangerous Superstition". We explore a series of things including: - "I'm just doing my job" syndrome - The idea of a "Law Enforcer" - Morality  - Free Will And what I think is one of the most poignant points, the fact that the most dangerous thing people can do is not malevolence or violence, but blindly obeying orders. This is a fantastic book I hope enjoy the excerpt. You can follow Larken Rose here: If you like what we're doing here with the reads, send us a comment via a "boost" on Fountain or any value-for-value app. And of course, subscribe to the channel across all the mediums you're on. Here's a few links to help you do that: ____________________________________ Thanks again for listening. Check out the new book: You can follow my work at: - - Twitter @GhostOfSvetski - IG @AleksSvetski - - More coming soon!

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The world is largely asleep. We're living in a time where our freedoms are slowly being encroached upon, but because we're addicted to mediocre bullshit, we ignore it. Our money no longer represents our work, time or effort, the freedom to speak out is obstructed under the guise of "diversity, inclusion and safety", privacy is no longer respected and surveillance has become mainstream "for our protection". Wake up is dedicated to helping ensure V for Vendetta and 1984 remain works of fiction. Topics will include Bitcoin, Money, Freedom, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Ethics & more