73. Embracing Aging with Sheri Lynch

We live in a youth obsessed culture.  Women often fear aging.  We worry if we'll be relevant, beautiful or sexy as we age.   LIsten to syndicated radio host, speaker and author Sheri Lynch as she shares why she decided to let her hair go gray, how she embraces aging and how women can actually enjoy getting older.     Follow Sheri Lynch on Instagram: @sherilynch1 Sheri's website: www.BobandSheri.com   Follow Colleen on Instagram: @Colleen_Odegaard Colleen's Website: www.ColleenOdegaard.com Email Colleen: Colleen@WakeUptoYourLife.net  

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If you are tired of living your life on autopilot and are ready to take action, welcome to the Wake Up To Your Life podcast! TV personality and certified life coach Colleen Odegaard will help you wake up to your one precious life. Colleen puts three decades of interview experience to work to bring you insightful conversation and honest talk. Each week, Colleen will unpack how to make the simple mindset shifts that will improve your relationships, career and life. Her humorous and raw look at life's struggles will remind you that you are not alone and guide you to more joy and less anxiety. Subscribe and press play today.