In this episode of Waking Up With Melissa Ruiz, I cover the importance of releasing shame when it comes to charging for your offerings. I share three questions to ask yourself, which will help shed light on why spiritual BIPOC entrepreneurs should never hesitate to charge whatever we want to charge for access to our innate wisdom. What to watch for: -[01:09] Getting used to charging high prices for your offerings -[12:55] Where am I now? -[13:29] Where do I want to be and how will I get there? -[15:05] What beliefs am I holding that are keeping me from my desires? -[21:07] Do not give up your power just because you are afraid of other people’s opinions Words to live by: Let’s take a moment to honor the parts of us that are exactly where they are; but, let us also embrace our desire for more. Remember, where you are now is just as important as your end-goal, because once we can take a step back and objectively reflect on the present, we can strategize for the future. As long as our decisions are in alignment with our body, mind, and spirit, we’re always going to be on the right track. Celebrate Melissa’s Birthday Magic: https://iammelissaruiz.com/birthday-magic-2022?fbclid=PAAaaIHvZPAw0Hc1sQMVW7KWVKW1khp1S3iXELfRVE7Pj7O8KkjWwtZKreDg0 IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa