In this episode of Waking Up With Melissa Ruiz, we're gonna talk about how to attract abundance without working hard. So if you're the type of person who has heard of abundant and lack mindsets but struggles to grasp how to cultivate an abundant mindset, you're in luck. This episode is going to give you full permission to unleash your inner abundance. Let's get right into it. A BREAKDOWN OF THIS EPISODE [02:11] Discovering poverty consciousness [06:43] Upgrading your system through self-reflection [11:33] Overcoming ingrained beliefs and following inner knowing to achieve success [19:14] Letting go of the scarcity mindset and trusting the universe [23:59] Training your mind to see the silver lining for faster results Words to live by: “Poverty consciousness is teaching us what's active within our vibration, not punishing us. This is an opportunity to take a deeper look into our system and get curious about how we alchemize a frequency that no longer is serving us. “We are our own healers. We are the master creators of our life. And the sooner we come to realize that, the sooner we can release trapped energy in our body. Remember the practice takes time and it’s through ritual and discipline that you will notice the true effects of a calm mind.” “If you're living through that abundant mindset, if you're living through the overflow and the overpour, then you simply understand that there's always more and that you don't have to work hard to get it.” Follow me on Instagram: @wakingupwithmelissa @iammelissaruiz