Media & Screen Time: What's the Waldorf Approach?

In this first episode of season two of Waldorfy, I sit down with experienced story teller extraordinaire, and former Waldorf teacher, David Sewell McCann. David and I discuss what the Waldorf approach to screens and media is. David also speaks about how his stories, recorded audio stories he's written and produced through Sparkle Stories can offer a great alternative to screen time in the home.

Om Podcasten

Waldorfy serves to explore and explain Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy. In most episodes, I discuss topics with a Waldorf teacher, or someone with knowledge about anthroposophy, to deliver accurate, simple, interesting, information and explanations. When possible we’ll bring to attention any research or studies surrounding the topics we are exploring. My main aim is to reach parents, perspective parents, and alumni to engage them with the meaning and purpose of Waldorf Education and it’s connection with anthroposophy.