Episode 179: The Legal Liability of Failing to Practice the ABCDEF Bundle

Fear of “liabilities” is often a barrier to keeping patients awake and mobile in the ICU. Yet, we know that the ABCDEF is evidence-based best practices. So what are the legal liabilities to a hospital, leadership, and bedside clinicians of current cultural practices? Maggie Ortiz, MSN, RN joins us now to share her expert perspective. Find Maggie at: www.advocatesfornurses.com Www.daytonicuconsulting.com

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Kali Dayton, DNP, ACNP-BC, is an ICU nurse practitioner and consultant on a mission to create Awake and Walking ICUs. She hands the microphone to ICU survivors and bedside caregivers to reveal the realities of ICU experience and patients' journeys after discharge. The big picture of sedation and immobility is discussed and we explore how to improve short and long-term patient outcomes. We shift the vision from transferring out of the ICU to walking straight home after the ICU. www.DaytonICUconsulting.com