Folsom Fair Past and 2022

On September 23rd to 25th I will be back at Folsom Fair in San Francisco, and prayers are needed as never before. Darkness has invaded this nation physically and spiritually, and we need to raise up a war cry! There are multitudes of people that need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, for that is what set people free. These type of fairs are very dark, like Sodom and Gomorrah, but God always sends those equipped to go in. I am asking to please pray for supernatural wisdom and revelation as I am ministering, giving prophetic words, and praying for people for deliverance and healings. Again we go back to the territory in the land for salvations.

Om Podcasten

Spend time with Angela Greenig on her podcast ‘War Room’ as she extends herself to share real life experiences, faith, and commitment to holiness. Her personal enthusiastic, no nonsense, approach to common, and uncommon, subjects makes them all understandable and interesting regardless of a persons background. Whether you have been there and done that, still are, or never have, there are deliverance, forgiveness and preventive aspects to Angela’s teachings to assist you. The spiritual insights revealed, and defensive strategies against the enemy, provide guidance and encouragement for avoiding the battle, having peace in the midst of it, or being healed from it.