296 Rev. Terri Daniel - The Afterlife Conference, Ceremonies, Spirituality & Grief
The creator of the first Afterlife Conference back in 2011, Reverend Terri Daniel felt the survival of consciousness beyond physical death wasn't adequately represented in traditional forums such as scientific or bereavement conferences. Motivated by a desire to share that knowledge, the first conference was produced with the help of several spiritual teachers and afterlife researchers. The conference has grown greatly over the years and now includes a large spectrum of topics and interests, including multi-cultural death traditions, ceremonial work, religious scholarship, clinical practice and the intersection of spirituality and psychology. Rev. Terri is a death awareness educator, interfaith minister, clinical chaplain and author of three books on death and the afterlife. She offers a unique metaphysical perspective on birth, death and the afterlife through her channeled teachings on religious history, spirituality and the journey of the soul. You can find out more about Reverend Terri on her website https://www.spiritualityandgrief.com/ Find our more about The Original Afterlife Awareness Conference, the community she has created and resources to great Afterlife videos and audios at the website is https://afterlifeconference.com Find more great episodes of We Don't Die Radio at: http://wedontdieradio.com/ Thank you for listening!