
This week, we watched the incoherent 2019 moVie "Groupers". What starts as an Incoherent revenge plot to turn two homophobeS gay by connEcting them at the dick gets even weirder when a ganG of neo-nazis show up to Ruin everything. And if thAt description makes it sound like the fun kind of baD, you've been fooled the same way we were. Topics discussed: Commercials on Tubi The worst college bar experiences Boners are complicated Skipping the pivotal first thirty seconds of a movie Links mentioned in this episode: We Read Movies This podcast is hosted by

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There are good gay movies out there, but we won't be talking about them. We're three unqualified nobodies who discuss the very worst that gay cinema has to offer. At We Read Movies, we don't just watch movies, we read them for filth.