
This week, getting in the Halloween spirit early, we watched the 2019 horror movie Spiral. When a former club kid (Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman) moves to the suburbs with his wet blanket husband, he uncovers a cult that plans to use homophobia to live forever. Also he meets a ghost who hands him some video tapes that explain the whole plot but that he refuses to watch. Topics discussed: Gay Knockoff Transformers The strange racket that is Neapolitan pizza Butthole bleaching 4 What do straight people like? 5 Rob Ford 6 #WhoIsTheGuyOnTheBridge Links mentioned in this episode: https://external-preview.redd.it/dNIPNmzS6rv35wISMmLVTYqIcaDmI4rzlzLjbz8kb60.jpg?auto=webp&s=f01a322eaa2eb46d072c0db36223d486f4a735b8 We Read Movies This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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There are good gay movies out there, but we won't be talking about them. We're three unqualified nobodies who discuss the very worst that gay cinema has to offer. At We Read Movies, we don't just watch movies, we read them for filth.