The Little Hours (with Tyler Mead)

This week, we had special guest Tyler Mead on to talk about the 2017 comedy (mostly?) The Little Hours. Based on one story from The Decamaron (apparently. We've certainly never read it), it's a mostly improvved story where Aubrey Plaza, Alison Brie and Kate Micucci play foul-mouthed, horny nuns and they're all at least a little bit queer too. So what's not to love? Topics discussed: Nick and Vanessa Lachey belong in jail Reading is fundamental and we wish we could do it Glicked Non-English speakers in movies always have English accents Links mentioned in this episode: We Read Movies This podcast is hosted by

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There are good gay movies out there, but we won't be talking about them. We're three unqualified nobodies who discuss the very worst that gay cinema has to offer. At We Read Movies, we don't just watch movies, we read them for filth.