Episode 033 - U-Haul Lesbians

Teresa and Clark talk about the no complaint challenge, Teresa's dating update and how many friends does one need.... Triggers, by Marshall Goldsmith Misophonia Fear of Beards Tim Ferris Article on No Complain Challenge U-Haul Lesbians Pansexual Oxycodone vs. OxyContin Straight Passing Atomic Habits Book, James Clear The Power of Habit Book, Charles Duhigg Feedback, topic ideas? We would love to hear from you!  Contact us at wetalkedaboutthis99@gmail.com

Om Podcasten

Clark and his guests discuss various issues from men's health, to travel pet peeves and a variety of other topics. It's something a little different each episode. Tune in on your commute or on a Sunday afternoon. Clark is always open to feedback so please contact him anytime for topic ideas or thoughts on the show. wetalkedaboutthis99@gmail.com