Free Workshop! Hiring a WEDDING PLANNER / Day of Coordinator

"The more care & intention you put into your wedding plans throughout your engagement, the richer your wedding celebration & life beyond will be." Should you hire a WEDDING PLANNER / Day of Coodinator?  In today's workshop-style meeting, we’re going to review a list of critical guidelines to keep in mind as you tackle this very important part of your engagement journey. It’s time for a NEW WAY to create your dream wedding celebration, where YOU, your values, and your priorities are at the center of every single decision you make from now until your wedding day, & beyond. So let’s say goodbye to unrealistic, staged images on Pinterest of weddings in the forest that cost $32,000 - in decorations alone.  It’s time to tune out overhyped social media accounts that are pushing the $72 billion dollar wedding industry’s agenda.   Here on the Wedding Planning Podcast, we say no to the wedding industry’s priorities, and we say YES to a more fulfilled engagement season that starts with YOU.   FREE ENGAGEMENT STARTER KIT BONUS SERIES Redeem at There's an ALL NEW WAY to plan your dream wedding ... ... and you won't find it on any free wedding checklist or generic planning timeline. In the FREE Engagement Starter Kit BONUS SERIES, we unlock exactly how to align your WEDDING PRIORITIES with your PLANNING STRATEGY, so that you can confidently design an unforgettable wedding celebration - minus the crushing stress & overwhelm felt by so many engaged couples. SIGN UP TODAY for this incredibly valuable (totally free!) 4-day wedding planning workshop by visiting Get professional help planning your dream honeymoon when you email . Don't forget to mention the Wedding Planning Podcast for $50 off your booking!

Om Podcasten

Get ready to experience the ALL NEW WAY to thrive throughout your engagement by embracing who you are, prioritizing what you value, and ultimately designing an unforgettable wedding celebration of your dreams! Welcome to the WEDDING PLANNING PODCAST, where we say “NO” to the $72 billion dollar wedding industry, and we say “YES” to a more joyful engagement season where your mindset, values & wedding strategy are all in perfect alignment with YOU. Ready to get started?