WBS 06: How to Become Bolder and Braver in Life

Let's discuss: https://wellbalancedsuccess.com/06One thing you might not know about me is that I love crochet. I make little stuffed animals and it's super cute. But how will this help you have a well balanced life?This episode is for youIf you want to be braver and bolder in any area in your lifeIf you want to be more relaxed and less stressedIf you've been thinking about a hobby, but you've been using the I don't have time, I don't have money, or I don't have enough motivation, or other bs excuses to not get into your hobbySounds good? Then listen to the episode!

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If you're tired of the entrepreneurial hussle culture, this podcast is for you. I believe there is a better way than to get up at 5AM miracle morning style, work 24h/day, be on every platform like Garry V or strive to "get out of the ratrace". In this weekly show, we explore how you can have it all without sacrifies. How you can have a successful career an active social life, a thriving love and family life all that while being healthy and happy.