5e29: Caledonian and Hibernian Muse Audiobook and Tunes

Caledonian and Hibernian Muse Audiobook and Tunes Tunes: Caledonian Muse: Posodh Peathar, Muirland Willie, He Hirpled Tille Her, Polworth Green Hibernian Muse: Carolan’s Receipt, Port Patrick, Coulin, Irish Hoboy Book Club Announcement +X+X+X+ On October, 27 at 7PM US Central time I’ll be hosting a zoom for folks to share tunes, listen and chat about Caledonian and Hibernian Muse. Caledonian Muse: https://archive.org/details/nd497041687/page/n1/mode/2up Hibernian Muse: https://archive.org/details/imslp-hibernian-muse-a-collection-of-irish-airs-various/mode/1up Here is a Link to the Event: https://fb.me/e/17UKnKLI1 (some info on the Thompson’s who published the Muses) http://www.cpartington.plus.com/Links/Thompson/Thompson%20Info.html +X+X+X+X+X+X+ Tunes From Caledonian Muse Posodh Peathar, Highland Air Tune No. XCVIII https://archive.org/details/nd497041687/page/50/mode/2up Muirland Willie, Tune No. XLI Called an Ancient Lowland Tune in the Essay: (Also in Daniel Wright’s Aria di Camera, 1727). https://archive.org/details/nd497041687/page/20/mode/2up He Hirpled Tille Her, Tune No. LVIII. Called an Ancient Lowland Tune in the Essay: (Also in Robert Bremner’s 1757 Country Dances, and McLachlan’s 1854 The Piper’s Assistant). https://archive.org/details/nd497041687/page/30/mode/2up Polworth Green, In the Gentle Shepherd. https://archive.org/details/nd497041687/page/n19/mode/2up +X+X+X+X+X+ Tunes from The Hibernian Muse: Carolan’s Receipt: In the Castle of Andalusia Tune no. III https://archive.org/details/nd317340770/page/n15/mode/2up Coulin. (Says it is “Was composed in the reign of Henry VIII. The original words being in honour of the ancient Irish Dress.” Page 5.) Tune No. LIV: https://archive.org/details/nd317340770/page/n45/mode/2up Port Patrick: (There is a very similar setting to this tune in Donald MacDonald’s Collection under a different title) Tune No. XIV: https://archive.org/details/nd317340770/page/n21/mode/2up The Irish Hoboy: Tune No. V (You should Recognize this as the season introductory music for most of the season). https://archive.org/details/nd317340770/page/n15/mode/2up FIN Here are six ways you can support the show: You can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag You can also take a minute to leave a review of the podcast if you listen on Itunes! Tell your piping and history friends about the podcast! You can also support me by Buying my First Album on Bandcamp: https://jeremykingsbury.bandcamp.com/album/oyster-wives-rant-a-year-of-historic-tunes You can just send me an email at wetootwaag@gmail.com letting me know you liked the episode! Listener mail keeps me going! Finally I have some other support options here: https://www.wetootwaag.com/support Thanks! Listen on Itunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wetootwaags-bagpipe-and-history-podcast/id129776677 Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QxzqrSm0pu6v8y8pLsv5j?si=QLiG0L1pT1eu7B5_FDmgGASupport Wetootwaag's Bagpipe and History Podcast

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This show is (mostly) a bi-weekly podcast that explores the likely repertoire of eighteenth and early nineteenth century bagpipers, using historic music collections (written for bagpipes or not), performed on Uilleann pipes, Highland pipes and whistles. Every episodes notes include links to the historic sheet music when available. For information about my Albums Oyster Wives Rant, and Pay the Pipemaker go here: https://www.wetootwaag.com/albums For information about Jeremy and the instruments played on the show go here: https://www.wetootwaag.com/about