Bonus Episode 2

This is basically a mini album. I've been listening to old episodes and wanted all the tunes in Jackson's Celebrated Irish Tunes in one place. What do you think of the new fonts and background? The font is as close as I could find for Robert Bremner's font in his printed collection. But I'm not sure the History nerd-ness of Marble paper and eighteenth century font outweighs the readability of a Sans Serif font and white space. If you want to see any of these tunes they are all on NPU's website, or Cape Irish: Please Consider supporting the Podcast by Joining the Patreon Page: Please take advantage of the Tune Collection tab: Also Please take a minute to leave a review of the podcast! Listen on Apple Podcasts: Listen on Itunes: Listen on Spotify: Wetootwaag's Bagpipe and History Podcast

Om Podcasten

This show is (mostly) a bi-weekly podcast that explores the likely repertoire of eighteenth and early nineteenth century bagpipers, using historic music collections (written for bagpipes or not), performed on Uilleann pipes, Highland pipes and whistles. Every episodes notes include links to the historic sheet music when available. For information about my Albums Oyster Wives Rant, and Pay the Pipemaker go here: For information about Jeremy and the instruments played on the show go here: