S4 E11 Amazing Grace, John Newton & The KKK, The Little Spree and MacKay's Rant (With Chris McMullan)

Big thanks to Chris McMullan’s for sharing his music with us, you can and should check out his youtube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0sMSmOTrAxO8Yox_rUYi1Q and buy his album: https://chrismcmullan.bandcamp.com/releases Thanks as well to the Bob Dunsire discussion board. If you want to read John Newton’s Account “Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade: http://dlxs.library.cornell.edu/cgi/t/text/pageviewer-idx?c=mayantislavery;idno=21874801;view=image;seq=1 Some Further Reading about the Lumbee and the KKK: https://web.archive.org/web/20120309032929/http://www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/nchist-postwar/6068 And while many folks seem to think the KKK is on the decline, hate groups aren’t, keep an eye on Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hate map: https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map and if you can please consider making a donation. https://donate.splcenter.org/ To have a look through Angus MacKay’s Collection: https://digital.nls.uk/105006794 Please leave us a review! We are at around 1300 downloads for this run of the Show and zero new reviwes! Follow the podcast on Facebook for Daily Music posts: https://www.facebook.com/Wetootwaags-Bagpipe-and-History-Podcast-105980514479825/ Support Wetootwaag's Bagpipe and History Podcast

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This show is (mostly) a bi-weekly podcast that explores the likely repertoire of eighteenth and early nineteenth century bagpipers, using historic music collections (written for bagpipes or not), performed on Uilleann pipes, Highland pipes and whistles. Every episodes notes include links to the historic sheet music when available. For information about my Albums Oyster Wives Rant, and Pay the Pipemaker go here: https://www.wetootwaag.com/albums For information about Jeremy and the instruments played on the show go here: https://www.wetootwaag.com/about