S4E36: Some Holiday Tunes and Bodachan a Gharidh (The Merry old Gardener)

Tunes: O’Farrell: Lewellynn, A Piper o’er the Meadows Straying, Black Joke John Parry: Nos Calan Matt Seattle: Christenmiss Day in the Morning My Setting?: Mill Mill o, Baloo Lammy Donald MacDonald: Bodachan a gharidh (The Jolly Old gardener) Aird: Bodachan a garidh (The Merry old gardener) Be Sure to Head over to Ryan Kirk’s Youtube Channel to catch some stellar tunes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7jY3tVICOSthOfESS8MjNA Here’s a Link to the Newgrange Winter Solstice Livestream which will begin shortly after this episode is posted and should run through till the Solstice. https://livestream.com/accounts/285324/events/9440165/player You can check out photos of past Solstices from Mayeshowe at the below link: http://www.maeshowe.co.uk/ If you want more Christmas Bagpipe Carols Check out Charlie Rutan’s Christmas Bagpipe Series on Facebook: They are a great bit of history and music, well worth a watch! https://www.facebook.com/Christmas-Bagpipes-101281248507906 1808 O’Farrell: The Black Joke With Variations: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/87780734 1770s? James Aird: Bodachan a garidh https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/87706527 1828: Donald MacDonald: Bodachan a gharidh Jolly Old Gardner https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/105682627 1808 O’Farrell: Unfortunately Lewelynn and A Piper O’er the Meadows Straying are both from the O’Farrell Pocketbook companion Volume 3 that I can’t link to easily. You can download the PDF off Ross’s Music Page, or look at the Cape Irish ABC notation Settings: http://www.capeirish.com/webabc/working/source.folders/ofpc/ofpc.3/ofpc.3_table.html 1781 John Parry: Nos Calan https://viewer.library.wales/4675640#?c=&m=&s=&cv=17&manifest=https%3A%2F%2Fdamsssl.llgc.org.uk%2Fiiif%2F2.0%2F4675640%2Fmanifest.json&xywh=-213%2C458%2C4871%2C3692 Matt Seattle: Christenmiss Day in the Morning: Matt just posted his setting for the tune that I am Riffing on into the Discussions on the LBPS forum on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/LBPSGroup/?multi_permalinks=4233880116629245&notif_id=1607973793745357&notif_t=group_highlights&ref=notif 1820ish Robert Topliff: It bares a passing resemblance to this rather busy Nineteenth Century Setting From Robert Topliff: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/104483151 Please take advantage of the Tune Collection tab: https://www.wetootwaag.com/tunesources Also Please take a minute to leave a review of the podcast! Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wetootwaags-bagpipe-and-history-podcast/id129776677 Listen on Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wetootwaags-bagpipe-and-history-podcast/id129776677 Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QxzqrSm0pu6v8y8pLsv5j?si=QLiG0L1pT1eu7B5_FDmgGASupport Wetootwaag's Bagpipe and History Podcast

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This show is (mostly) a bi-weekly podcast that explores the likely repertoire of eighteenth and early nineteenth century bagpipers, using historic music collections (written for bagpipes or not), performed on Uilleann pipes, Highland pipes and whistles. Every episodes notes include links to the historic sheet music when available. For information about my Albums Oyster Wives Rant, and Pay the Pipemaker go here: https://www.wetootwaag.com/albums For information about Jeremy and the instruments played on the show go here: https://www.wetootwaag.com/about