Podcast Power Investigates Reincarnation

WGRL got a reboot this summer with our mighty “Podcast Power” class! We learned the ins and outs of the pod biz, did some recording, created a confessional booth and even visited “the Daily” at the New York Times! Just in time for Halloween while the veils between worlds are the thinnest we are releasing our convo on reincarnation! Please enjoyed this youth generated content and don’t forget to leave a 5 star review for the hard working team! 😉

Om Podcasten

WGRL (Where Girl Radio Lives) is our all girl-powered online radio station and podcast series based out of The Lower Eastside Girls Club of New York, in NYC. Trained in the art of radio journalism and engineering by professionals in the field, led by Kelly Webb of the Sweet Spot and Jeannie Hopper of Liquid Sound Lounge and WBAI, our young reporters cover a wide variety of stories. WGRL produces regular podcasts and interviews with celebrities, community activists, musicians, politicians, fashionistas and powerful women in just about every walk of life. We’ve covered events as varied as the Halloween Dog Parade at Tompkins Square Park, National Record Store Day and the Women’s Herstory event at New York City Hall. Our goal in the WGRL studio is to tell our stories through the skills and mediums we are gaining proficiency in and in turn share these stories with the world!