S2 Ep10: Rodney Alcala, The Dating Game Killer

On June 20, 1970, the hunt was underway for a missing 12-year-old girl named Robin Samsoe. She had last been seen with her friend talking to an older man with a camera. When the man's description was circulated, he was immediately recognized by his parole officer . . . but also recognized for having appeared on a television show - The Dating Game. This episode is sponsored by: Spycast Podcast  Original music by Ben Krejci, Daniel Birch, Kevin MacLeod, Kai Engel, Nctrnm, and Lee Rosevere. SFX by Dynamicell, alexbird, qubodup, 1Kaylin_Dickson, DBKEEBLER, MWLANDI, adamlhumphreys, klankbeeld, lawnjelly, and odditonic. 

Om Podcasten

A look into the life and crimes of the world’s most infamous serial killers. Featuring interviews with family members, forensic experts, law enforcement, and witnesses. From John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer to the “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez and the Butcher of Plainfield, Ed Gein and "Son of Sam" killer, David Berkowitz – What Makes a Killer explores how they became killers.