S5 Ep1: David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam

In July of 1976, two teenage girls were sitting in a car in front of their New York City apartment, when a man approached and fired 5 shots into the vehicle. One of the girls died instantly, while the other was seriously injured. Within a year, the same man would claim 5 more young lives, terrifying the citizens of NYC. And in a taunting letter to police, gave himself a nickname that would go down in infamy; “Son of Sam”. Original music by Ben Krejci. Additional music provided by: Epidemic Sound, Kai Engel, Sergey Cheremisinov, Daniel Birch, Nctrnm, and Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License.

Om Podcasten

A look into the life and crimes of the world’s most infamous serial killers. Featuring interviews with family members, forensic experts, law enforcement, and witnesses. From John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer to the “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez and the Butcher of Plainfield, Ed Gein and "Son of Sam" killer, David Berkowitz – What Makes a Killer explores how they became killers.