Expert Chat – Teen Substance Use

Underage substance use is problematic, but most parents don’t really understand why. In this episode we speak with Dr. Leslie Walker-Harding to better grasp what we need to know to keep adolescent drug and alcohol use in proper perspective. Dr. Walker-Harding (@AskTeenDoc) is the Ford/Morgan Endowed Professor, Chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Associate Dean for the University of Washington. She is also the Chief Academic Officer and Senior Vice President for Seattle Child...

Om Podcasten

The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign is pleased to announce its new podcast: What Parents Are Saying — Prevention Wisdom, Authenticity, and Empowerment. The goal is to provide a platform where parents and caregivers can get informed, be prepared, and take action by having open and honest conversations with their kids about substance use and mental health. Hosted by Debbie Berndt, Director of Parent Movement 2.0, the podcast will feature discussions with parents, caregivers, and nationally recognized experts lending their unique perspectives and experiences on how to navigate conversations around these important topics. Learn more at