Day Forty-Seven- Dating

Tonight, I am talking about dating- yes dating!Dating yourself and dating your partner during your pregnancy. Doesn’t sound too much like breathing a baby out, huh?! Well that you would be right about, but it is about connection; connection to yourself & your partner and about enjoying the sacred time you have left not being parents.    This podcast comes from the beautiful coromandel where we are currently enjoying our rainy baby moon, if you want to see more of that then also follow me on instagram @what_the_f_is_endometriosis

Om Podcasten

I am a first time mum with the goal of having a pain free birth ("What the F?!" I hear you say) not only is this my goal but, I believe it is possible...In this series I will be sharing 100 days of Hypnobirthing practice from the experience of a novice.I am not a Midwife,I am not a Hypnobirthing teacher,I am not even a mum yet. If you are pregnant, or a partner, if you are confused or intrigued or the question "What the F is Hypnobirthing?" crossed your mind then this is the podcast for you!