Day Thirteen- Life update

 Okay, so I missed day thirteen of podcasting ( and no it is not because I am super superstitious- although I actually am...) It was because life got in the way and I was SO busy. It's safe to say I have the least Hypnobirthingy 24 hours of my pregnancy! So if you want to know less about Hypnobirthing & more about my life then have a listen.

Om Podcasten

I am a first time mum with the goal of having a pain free birth ("What the F?!" I hear you say) not only is this my goal but, I believe it is possible...In this series I will be sharing 100 days of Hypnobirthing practice from the experience of a novice.I am not a Midwife,I am not a Hypnobirthing teacher,I am not even a mum yet. If you are pregnant, or a partner, if you are confused or intrigued or the question "What the F is Hypnobirthing?" crossed your mind then this is the podcast for you!