Day Thirty- 'Be the baby' exercise

To continue with the theme of falling in love with your unborn baby, tonight's episode guides you through an exercise you can do to feel truly connected with your baby. This exercise gives you the opportunity to look closely at the environment in which you are bringing your baby into and may call for a couple of tweaks to ensure your baby feels the full force of your love!    

Om Podcasten

I am a first time mum with the goal of having a pain free birth ("What the F?!" I hear you say) not only is this my goal but, I believe it is possible...In this series I will be sharing 100 days of Hypnobirthing practice from the experience of a novice.I am not a Midwife,I am not a Hypnobirthing teacher,I am not even a mum yet. If you are pregnant, or a partner, if you are confused or intrigued or the question "What the F is Hypnobirthing?" crossed your mind then this is the podcast for you!