033 - Cult of the Dead Cow

This week, we’re going to chat one of the most well known hacking groups of all time. The ”Cult of the Dead Cow”.  Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/  Cult of the Dead Cow Book:  https://www.amazon.com/Cult-Dead-Cow-Original-Supergroup-ebook/dp/B07J54F9KR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1DF1O7WMS9YCG&keywords=cult+of+the+dead+cow&qid=1692040055&sprefix=cult+of+the+dead+cow%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-1

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Welcome to ”What the Shell?” where I dive into major hacks and vulnerabilities in a way meant to be accessible by anyone. Come with me as we explore these topics and many of the more interesting facets of the cyber industry in a way that makes it easy to understand and easier to enjoy.