#565: Best of 2022 with Francesca from The Fangover / Under the Covers Book Blog

Today’s guest is Francesca from the Under the Covers Book Blog and The Fangover Podcast. Francesca was a guest last year as she shared her 2021 books, and since we had a lot of fun recording this episode, I asked her to come and do a follow-up a year later.In this episode, Francesca shares that although it was a disappointing year when it came to reading at the same time, it was freeing to read what she liked. Francesca, like myself, found a lot of fun reading more KU books.If you are an audiobook listener or looking to add audiobooks to your 2023 repertoire, tune into listening to the low down of the various apps that will make your life more enjoyable. This episode is full of winter reads that are perfect for the season. Because Francesca is my guru regarding paranormal romance, she shares some great recommendations to add to your TBR. SHOWNOTES AND BOOK LINKShttp://WhattoReadNextBlog.comCheck out our YouTube Channel;https://www.whattoreadnextblog.com/youtubeMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/hartzmann/sunnyLicense code: 0RDRBKGH6NGQCAXRBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/what-to-read-next-podcast-l-book-recommendation-show--5263998/support.

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What to Read Next Podcast is a book recommendation podcast for mood readers who are always looking to add new books to their TBR. In each episode, Laura Yamin interviews authors and fellow book influencers to chat about their go-to book recommendations.