#567: Laura's 2022 Reading Wrap Up and 2023 Reading Goals

Today I am sharing my annual 2022 reading wrap-up. I will give you a low down on how many books I have read and what worked and what did not. Finally, I share my reading goals for 2023 and what changes I am making to have a good reading year.Spoiler Alert, It is January 5 when I am posting this episode, and I have read five books, and all have been 4-star reads. SHOWNOTES AND BOOK LINKShttp://WhattoReadNextBlog.comCheck out our YouTube Channel;https://www.whattoreadnextblog.com/youtubeMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/hartzmann/sunnyLicense code: 0RDRBKGH6NGQCAXRBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/what-to-read-next-podcast-l-book-recommendation-show--5263998/support.

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What to Read Next Podcast is a book recommendation podcast for mood readers who are always looking to add new books to their TBR. In each episode, Laura Yamin interviews authors and fellow book influencers to chat about their go-to book recommendations.