#580 January 2023 Favorite Reads (Solo Show)

Today I have a fun solo show for you, where I share my favorite reads, listens, and TV shows for January.In this episode, I chat about the following:Total books read and listenedWhat was the theme of the monthWhich author I ended up reading more than seven books, and yes, you can grab those books on KU and your library.My thoughts on Happy Place by Emily Henry, Meet Me At the Lake by Carley Fortune, and Do I Know You? By Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka. Thank you, Berkley and PRH Audio, for the gifted copies; the opinions are my own.What TV Show have I been watching non-stop? SHOWNOTES AND BOOK LINKShttp://WhattoReadNextBlog.comCheck out our YouTube Channel;https://www.whattoreadnextblog.com/youtubeMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/hartzmann/sunnyLicense code: 0RDRBKGH6NGQCAXRBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/what-to-read-next-podcast-l-book-recommendation-show--5263998/support.

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What to Read Next Podcast is a book recommendation podcast for mood readers who are always looking to add new books to their TBR. In each episode, Laura Yamin interviews authors and fellow book influencers to chat about their go-to book recommendations.