#584 Author Interview: Amanda Elliot (2023)

Disclosure: We are part of the Amazon Affiliate/LTK Creator programs. We will receive a small commission at no cost if you purchase a book. This post may contain links to purchase books & you can read our affiliate disclosure here. Today we are chatting with rom-com author Amanda Elliot. Her latest book Best Served Hot* is a foodie dream about the NYC Restaurant Scene. After reading this book, you will be craving delicious food. In this interview, we chat about the following:Why did Amanda pick writing a foodie romance based on the NYC restaurant sceneHer research process of learning more about the restaurant review processThe different genres that Amanda readsA list of book recommendations featuring: romance, contemporary fiction, cozy mysteries, literary thrillers, and a fantasy*Affiliate LinkSHOWNOTES AND BOOK LINKShttp://WhattoReadNextBlog.comCheck out our YouTube Channel;https://www.whattoreadnextblog.com/youtubeMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/hartzmann/sunnyLicense code: 0RDRBKGH6NGQCAXRBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/what-to-read-next-podcast-l-book-recommendation-show--5263998/support.

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What to Read Next Podcast is a book recommendation podcast for mood readers who are always looking to add new books to their TBR. In each episode, Laura Yamin interviews authors and fellow book influencers to chat about their go-to book recommendations.