What Women Must Know- How to Stay Off My Operating Table”.with Heart Surgeon, Dr. Philip Ovadia

Dr. Philip Ovadia is a Heart Surgeon with over 3,000 operations, and is the author of the book Stay off My Operating Table®: A Heart Surgeon’s  Metabolic Health Guide to Lose Weight, Prevent Disease, and Feel Your Best Every Day, Philip’s mission is to teach people how to live a healthier life in order to avoid becoming a heart surgery patient. Philipwent from being chronically obese to losing 100lbs He explores how metabolic health affects mental health, and how to choose a truly healing diet He teaches individuals and organizations his complete metabolic health system to prevent and reverse disease, avoid early death, and live well for life.   https://ifixhearts.com https://askdrphil.com

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What Women Must Know is a life-changing show about the many safe and effective holistic perspectives and solutions for women's health matters.