What Women Must Know - Protecting Yourself and Your Home from Electro-Pollution with Cyril Bourke

Cyril Bourke received his first qualifications in radio communications and radio electronics 1983. He then went on to become an IBM trained engineer and a licensed electrician. He has worked for both the British Military  and the Hong Kong Government. His career has spanned both the electronics manufacturing industry, heavy power industry, oil and gas exploration and deep sea remote intervention. After suffering an industrial injury that had far-reaching effects on his whole body, Cyril started studying the field of pain management and spent 8 years in a successful clinic combing the use of bio-feedback and energy therapy. Cyril was also part of the team that developed the NES MiHealth device, a powerful hand-held bio-feedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress, releasing and re-educating energy flow, muscles, nerves, organs and areas of the body. His understanding of technology and electricity has him perfectly placed to follow his specialty interest of EMF and ‘dirty electricity’, bringing the latest cutting edge information to the public.licensed

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What Women Must Know is a life-changing show about the many safe and effective holistic perspectives and solutions for women's health matters.