How To Make Him See You As The One and Only

How To Make Him See You As The One and Only In a world that focuses on fake social media and instant gratification, it can be difficult to make yourself stand out from the rest in the dating world. Some men might want to move faster than you like toward sex or they might be playing the field by dating multiple women at the same time – with the hopes of getting at least one of them into bed. This type of scenario can make it difficult to have vulnerable and intimate conversations. While you don’t need to establish whether he’s marriage material on the first date, learning more about what he values in life and where he hopes to see himself in 5 or 10 years can give you important clues about his character and ambition. But there’s also a tradeoff in that YOU should be answering these same questions so HE can discover if you’re the one he’s been searching for or if your dates are just fun times until that right person comes along. Today’s episode will explore the DEEPER reasons why you should dig through the shallow conversations and highlight your special personality so he sees you and only you. Let’s talk about…How To Make Him See You As The One and Only Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books:    

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The focus of one of America's Leading Mid-Life Dating Coaches has expanded into a deeper, essential philosophy of what it truly means to LOVE. After losing his 19-year-old son Connor in 2018, Jonathon Aslay’s grief led him on a soul-searching inner journey, where he became aware of an often-overlooked dimension of the dating conversation. He realized that the process of dating reveals the most common emotional health issue faced by many singles seeking a partner: a distressing lack of self-worth, self-regard, and self-love.